List of 11 candidates shortlisted for the post of chief executive of the Public Service Commission

The Public Service Commission (PSC) has shortlisted 11 candidates for the post of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer.

They include six men and five women from various counties including Homabay, Marsabit, Narok, Bungoma, Elgeyo Marakwet, Trans Nzoia, Garissa and Migori.

They are Brian Muithya Mutie, Judy Wangechi and Irene Cherotich Asienga, Sylvester Odhiambo Obong’o, Mahat Osman Shale (PWD), Joan Machayo, Christopher Leparan Tialal and Bahati Keranga Mwita.

Others are Gababo Dido Jillo, Juliana Nashipae Yiapan, Paul Famba.

Interviews will be held on May 22 and 23, 2024, from 9 am to 4:30 pm at the Commission House, Harambee Avenue in Nairobi.

Those interviewed on the first day are Wangechi, Obong’o, Osman, Machayo and Leparan.

“Candidates must be on site at least 15 minutes before the start time,” PSC president Anthony Muchiri said in a statement.

They must carry with them the original documents of their identity cards, academic and professional certificates and records, and any other supporting documents and testimony.

Additionally, they must present current and valid clearance from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), a registered credit reference office and a police clearance certificate.

Candidates must also submit a self-declaration application acknowledgment receipt printed online or a self-declaration form duly stamped for employment application by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

In addition, they are expected to carry a letter of acknowledgment of qualifications from the Commission for University Education (CUE) for candidates who hold degrees from foreign universities and a recommendation from relevant professional bodies and associations, where applicable.

The public has been invited to participate in the process no later than May 20, 2024.

PSC began the search for a new CEO on April 3 through an advertisement in local newspapers, and interested candidates had until April 23 to submit their applications.

The new CEO will replace Simon Rotich. Rotich took office on August 1, 2019.

According to the regulations, the term of office of the general director is five years, with the possibility of re-election once.

The director general is also the head of the secretariat, the accountant and the custodian of the seal of the commission.

The office holder is responsible for the execution of the commission’s decisions, the assignment of duties and the supervision of commission staff, and for ensuring staff compliance with the values ​​and principles of the public service.

He or she is also responsible for the preparation and presentation of programs necessary for the achievement of the commission’s mandate and the performance of any other duties assigned by the commission.