NTSA bans 64 saccos including Kensilver Express, Moline and Mbukinya from operating matatus

The government has revoked the licenses of 64 matatu saccos, including Kensilver Express, Moline, Mbukinya, Kiambu United and Moro Express.

The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), which issued the notice on Thursday, warned that police are under orders to seize their vehicles if they find them on the road. The agency also advised the public not to board them.

In what will be a blow to travellers, the directive will affect both short and long distance travelers plying different routes across the country.

For example, Kensilver Express plies the Nairobi, Maua, Embu and Meru route, while Moline will affect passengers on the Nairobi, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kitale, Kericho, Kisumu and Busia route.

Within the Nairobi metropolitan area, the Kiambu United Travelers ban will affect the Kirigiti, Kiambu and Thindigua route. Those on the Kariokor, Juja Rd, Gikomba, Eastleigh route will have to find other sacco alternatives after Southleigh Sacco’s license was revoked.

See the full list of saccos below.